
Republican Women of Pitt County Meeting

You’re invited to
Republican Women of Pitt County’s
September Speaker Series and Luncheon

Let’s welcome these courageous North Carolina patriots!
We want a great turn out. Bring a friend!

We are inviting all GOP candidates from our area who are on the ballot in Municipal, State and Federal elections for the upcoming mid-term elections 2022.

Each candidate or candidate representative will have an opportunity to speak for a couple of minutes.  Then time will be provided for you to talk with the candidates that represent your specific district.
At the membership table you can check to see in which districts you reside and who represents you.

September 15, 2022

Time:  11:30 Social   12:00 Lunch
Greenville Country Club – 216 Country Club Drive
Catered by GK’s Café
$18.00 lunch all inclusive
$5.00 water, tea, and lemonade which includes a donation toward the room fee

RSVP:  Cooper Falls at 207-721-2703 or
by Monday, September 12, 2022
Come and bring a friend!
Please contact Ludie Moore to prepay by check or credit card
252.714.5816 or
Can pay at the door – Card, cash and checks accepted